Voodoo Custom Guitars opens world's 1st Vitual Store!

Voodoo Custom Guitars has opened the worlds 1st Real Life virtual custom guitar store.

VCG held the Grand opening in 2nd Life with a virtual Live PANTERA concert on the Voodoo Live Stage on Dec. 8th 2020.

Honoring the Great Dimebag Darrell on the same day he was taken from us all.

Inside the Virtual Custom Guitar store you can customize and order real life custom guitars and Basses as well as buy and customize virtual guitars and Basses for your in-World Avatar. We have also made VCG merchandise for your Avatar, Come check it out!

All real life custom guitars will come with a matching virtual VCG for your Avatar when ordering your RL guitar in SL. (Second Life)

To visit us in the virtual world follow these simple steps


Fast Computers https://www.firestormviewer.org/choose-your-platform/

Normal Computers http://www.singularityviewer.org/downloads


Make a user name and password for Second Life.


We are on a adult Sim so you will need to set your preferences to see adult content.

Avatar>Preferances>General>I want to access content rated (General,Moderate,Adult)>OK


Voodoo Custom Guitars or Teleport to > http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/SmartVest/228/95/22

Make sure to visit and like our Voodoo Custom Guitars SecondLife-SL page on Facebook!
